Category: blog

Where I’ve Been and Where This is Going

Where I’ve Been and Where This is Going

6 years ago I went through the worst experience as a human in my entire life. The fact is, it wasn’t one experience, it was a convergence of experiences. I was nearing 50 and in my perspective, every part of my world melted away into a dust so fine that I could hardly make out the origins of my own being much less what was going on around me. This was an almost fateful blow to my very being.

And, when that happened, Chakra Rox took a pause for awhile. But I will tell you, I’m not sure how I could have gotten through that experience and the giant explosion of my life that was its precursor, without the having this business and having the honor of listening and sharing so many stories with my customers and followers. You each are my angels, giving me the right message through allowing me to help you find yours.

After those 6  years and a lot of help from a lot of sources (probably many unknowingly), I have found my way back to the joyous, excited, youthful and magical being I remember, in fact… maybe even a little extra! I’ve got sooooo much to tell!

And with that, we’re going to mix it up with this Chakra Rox blog from here on out. I want to be more than a smiling icon on a web page, but a real person going through real things who also is trying to make it in this big bad world just like you!  And, oh yeah… I LOVE crystals. I look forward to growing and learning with you as we make a new connection. I truly believe my crystals, my reiki and so many other healing modalities have helped me along this journey. And, again, YOU, were a huge part in that too. So much gratitude! Can’t wait to step forward into a little more clarity with each of you.

And yes, I will still be posting info on new products and cool actities as well as recommendations if you are interested. Look forward to it everyone!

Chakra Rox Featured in Redfin Article!

Chakra Rox Featured in Redfin Article!

Check out the recent Redfin article we are featured in:

The Ultimate Guide to Using Crystals for the Home

Whether displayed as an accent piece or incorporated into a piece of home decor, crystals have gained popularity over the years for their unique shapes and colors to elevate a home’s interior. But there’s more to crystals than their beauty. Crystals have been used for centuries for their powerful healing and cleansing properties to ground and set the intention of a space. 

Want to know how to display crystals in your home? Redfin reached out to us and other experts from Toronto, ON, to New York, NY, for our help on using crystals for the home. Keep reading for a room-by-room guide, learn more about different types of crystals, how they can be incorporated into your decor, and more. See the full article at the link below. You’ll find our contribution under the Office section. Enjoy!

The Ultimate Guide to Using Crystals for the Home

Mystical Messages and Magical Moments Offer Guidance Towards Personal Growth and Exposure

Mystical Messages and Magical Moments Offer Guidance Towards Personal Growth and Exposure

I had an amazing weekend at Oracle Palooza. Just like you, I’m always working on myself… trying to find or stay on my path, and also trying to connect with others that are going through the same things I am. It was a 3-day journey with 3100 people from 51 countries as this was the very first Oracle Palooza done virtually using Zoom. Having been to an Oracle Palooza before here in Austin a few years back, I didn’t feel like it could possibly be as good. But with COVID-19 all around us, I just felt like it was a good move to give it a try.

From the first moment, I was so amazed at how well organized this thing was. And, to top it off, there were amazingly few glitches. The whole show was led by the amazing Colette Baron Reid in all of her mystical glory. There are a lot of metaphysical leaders out there, but in my opinion she is one of the people that has the most sincere vibe. Don’t get me wrong, ultimately she is selling you something — either DreamQuest or Oracle School – but even if you don’t choose to go that direction, you will come away from the event so much lighter than you entered it.

I have a code I follow in regards to our spiritual teachers — if they constantly prey on you by reminding you or bringing you back to the negative space that brought you to them in the first place, they aren’t healers. She just doesn’t do that. I feel her authenticity each time she speaks to someone or tells the story of how she got here. In my mind, she is truly here to help all of us find and shine our light if we let her.
So, I left this lovely experience exhausted — I was completely wiped out the following day, but that’s generally my state following any sort of deep conversation or social activity. I know it sounds crazy since not one of us met each other in person, but this was a very social activity. I also left with so much enthusiasm and hope. Not only did the cards lead me down my path (and man were they really obvious about it), but I felt so validated by all the lovely members of my 7 breakout sessions. You see, we gather and review our insights — some of us having to crack open some wounds to do it, but in the end we really hear the message. 

Mine was about this very thing I’m doing with you right now. This is the next step of my journey. While I’ve come out of the Woo Woo closet inadvertently by selling crystals and practicing Reiki as well as continuing my work with cards (I’ve done Tarot since i was 14 and started Oracle cards a few years back), I haven’t been able to vocally speak my truth for years. I just generalize without putting my real feelings or experiences on paper.

Once I became a Mom, I think it became all about my children, and I wanted to have the appearance of being your standard soccer Mom. I wanted to blend in like the pavement so that I didn’t hold them back or bring any unnecessary judgements on them. Now I realize this came from my own upbringing. My mother was always open minded (thank goodness!) – before her time in my opinion. While grandparents on both sides were avid churchgoers, she decided that she didn’t want me to be indoctrinated into something before I ever had a chance to really think about it, to understand it. She didn’t hold me back from it — if I was invited to Bible School by a friend she was happy to let me go. She just wanted me to really see and feel my options first. At that time, we lived in a much more conservative world, especially in my hometown of Beaumont. When others talked about church, I just clammed up. I felt judged by not necessarily my friends, but certainly their parents. If I’d stay over on a Saturday and my Mom wasn’t picking me up to take me to church that morning, I could literally feel their attitude towards me change a bit. So, I just learned not to talk about it, to keep it down low and just go with my friends to church if that’s what it took. But still, even in that I was exposed. The parishioners would all ask me what church I went to as they tried to convince me to switch to theirs. The feeling in my gut wasn’t pretty. I felt like a fraud.

So, there. I’ve done it. I think that’s the first time, beside Oracle Palooza that  I’ve said that out loud. I’ve spoken my truth.

(Please note: I respect church and it the perfect choice for some. For me, my church is found within me, in nature, within my home, or wherever spirit inspires me (and sometimes that includes within a church.) 

The story of my 7 cards led me down a path of being true to my authentic self and sharing that experience with others. Not just my own experience, but seeing my own self in the reflections of the stories of others. It also had a lot about releasing myself from boundaries (as a Reiki Master I’m very familiar with Chakras and have spoken to others about a barrier that I have felt in my chest for years) I wanted to come out of this cage I have built, but this wall was holding me back. Guess what y’all, between QHHT (more on that in another blog) and this amazing event, that wall is gone. I truly feel liberated. Did I mention one of my cards was a butterfly inside a golden cage? How beautiful is that! That is me in transition (as that’s what the butterfly represents). And, after being a caregiver for my mother who had Alzheimer’s for 8 + years — she sent me a message via song (they talk to me that way alot). As I stepped out of the house to sort of walk it off, I popped in my earbuds and the first song that played was Runaways by Life House. The words that struck me were these, “Yeah, we are crashing out of the cage, as free as a couple of runaways.” She was finally free of the Alzheimers, and I was free to find myself again. Granted, it’s taken a year and a half for me to get here, but I did get here. 

So, there it is. While I will continue to work with my crystals, my Reiki and my cards, I’m also going to share my story with you. I hope that some of it can reflect back on you and maybe inspire you to take a new step. This is such a time of reflection as a whole as we all sit here in the grand “Pause” called COVID-19. I truly feel that this time has arrived to help us realize that there is more to life than 4 walls and possibly an unfulfilling job. it’s a beautiful time to get to know yourself better. What is it your heart is calling for? Are you getting what you need in your everyday life? Just like all the businesses that are having to look at things a little differently, maybe it’s time for a pivot in your life. Don’t be afraid to be you. Don’t be a prisoner in your self-created cage. Be the beautiful butterfly and set your authentic self free.

Making It Through Mercury in Retrograde

Making It Through Mercury in Retrograde

Experiencing a mental fog? Frustrated over computer glitches? Can’t get through the line at the grocery store because the payment system is down? These are all occurrences associated with what is know as Mercury in Retrograde, a period in time in which an optical illusion creates the appearance that the planet Mercury is moving backwards — a side effect of the way our planet orbit interacts with the orbit of others. And, when it is happening, a new level of chaos hits the planet.

Experts on Mercury in Retrograde, suggest to avoid signing contracts, be selective of your words and generally don’t do anything that could get you in proverbial “hot water” until the Retrograde has passed.

Mercury in Retrograde Dates for 2020 are:

  • February 17 to March 10, 2020
  • June 18 to July 12, 2020
  • October 14 to November 3, 2020

While we can’t help you with all the wackiness that may happen when you experience Mercury in Retrograde, we do have a few options on how you can deal with it. And, Chakra Rox is offering these with a couple of special deals on our Reiki Charged products (SALE ENDED MARCH 10, 2020)!

Reiki Charged Black Obsidian Worry Stone with Information Card by Chakra Rox

Buy Any Other Chakra Rox Worry Stone, Get a Black Obsidian Worry Stone for Half Off.

Buy Any Other Reiki Charged Chakra Rox Worry Stone, Get a Reiki Charged Black Obsidian Worry Stone for Half Off.
Black Obsidian is a protective stone that is known for absorbing negativity, which can help with all the frustration that comes with chaos. They are also a great little gift to give a friend, acquaintance, loved one who might be struggling through this time period.
Which worry stone should you get with your Black Obsidian? I would suggest going with what you are attracted to. I know it sounds a little crazy, but the right crystal will find its way to you. Something within knows what you need. You can also listen to your insides…. what’s going on and doesn’t feel right? Are you feeling fearful? — Go with a Tiger’s Eye. Are you feeling lost? — A Lapis Lazuli can do the job. Or maybe you just can’t find the right words to express yourself? — Sodalite can help. Struggling with Self Worth? Rose Quartz has got your back. Feel like everything is off? Amethyst, in my opinion, is the best stone to assist with supporting every single chakra. Choose something that will support your needs as we are all more vulnerable while the Retrograde stands in place.

Select your Worry Stone on our DK Exchange Storefront
on Amazon Now.

(When placing your order, scroll down on the Amazon listing page for the Chakra Rox Worry Stone of your choice until you see “Special Offers and Product Promotions.” Click the “Add Both to Cart” button to receive the special.)

Want to Know More about Worry Stones? Click here.

Save with Our Selenite Specials. We are offering two specials during our Mercury in Retrograde Sale.
Selenite is a versatile stone, with one of it’s properties including the ability to cleanse or reset your aura. After a day out in a chaotic world, it can act as your “Esc” or Escape button for a fresh start. And, it doesn’t just do that for you, this amazing crystal cleanses and recharges other crystals, keeping them positive and supportive as well (I like to call it a “metaphysical battery.”) It’s also known to bring luck and offer protection from negativity. Many people place Selenite in all corners of their space — room, office, home — to keep the energy light and inviting. (I keep a few under my bed and pillow to ward off bad dreams.) So, it’s an obvious choice to support you through the challenge of Mercury Retrograde.
We offer Selenite in plates of various shapes and sizes (Round, Hexagonal, Hearts and Squares (coming soon!)) as well as bowls (6 inch and 4 inch) with more coming soon. So, you have lots of choices to find the right one for you.

Chakra Rox Selenite Buy One Get One Half Off

Buy Any Two Chakra Rox Reiki Charged Selenite Bowls or Selenite Plates (sold only by DK Exchange), and Receive 20% Off those items.

  • Buy Any Two Chakra Rox Reiki Charged Selenite Bowls or Selenite Plates (sold only by DK Exchange), and Receive 20% Off those items. And, you can mix and match — buy a plate and a bowl, a hexagon plate and a heart plate, or maybe a selenite bowl w/ tumbled stones set and a round charging plate. It’s all up to you.
    (When placing your order scroll to ” Save 20% on 2 select item(s). Shop items” right below the price of the item on Amazon. Just click “Shop Items” to get the deal.)
  • Buy any Chakra Rox Reiki Charged Selenite Product, Receive 1 Reiki Charged Black Obsidian Bracelet Free with your order!
    Keep your free Black Obsidian bracelet charged with your Selenite and face the world with confidence that negativity will be kept at bay as you wear it. Also includes stone info card.

Shop available Chakra Rox Selenite products
on Amazon Now

Sale Ends on March 10 (last day of our first Retrograde of the year) or while supplies last.

Want more info on Mercury Retrograde? Check out the links below.

Sale Celebrating 2000 Facebook Followers — Thank YOU!!!

Sale Celebrating 2000 Facebook Followers — Thank YOU!!!

At Chakra Rox, we want to give a Big Thanks to our First 2000 Facebook followers. To celebrate this milestone, we are offering 20 % off for 2 weeks on 2 of our most popular products. For a limited time, we are offering our:

These are amazing gifts for any crystal lover out there — providing protection and luck to any indoor space. In addition, I like to think of these as metaphysical batteries as they allow one to charge any other crystal simply by placing those crystals on the Selenite. Because each of these are a substantial size (6″ X 6″ X 7/8″), you can fit lots of your favorite bracelets, beads, stones, worry stones and more on a single plate. They can also be used on crystal grids!

These would make great presents for Birthdays, Christmas, Graduation and more.

Not a FaceBook Follower yet? Follow us now and get updates on sales, giveaways and our latest Reiki charged metaphysical crystal products!

Why Chakra Rox?

Why Chakra Rox?

The Chakra Rox Difference
At Chakra Rox we are well aware that there are many businesses out there where you could choose to spend your money. And, these businesses probably appear to have similar products to those you will see here on our site. So, why should you choose Chakra Rox products over others out there? We’ve compiled a few compelling reasons:

  1. Reiki Charged. All Chakra Rox products are not only charged and cleansed, but also have the additonal benefit of being Reiki charged by a Reiki Master. Owner Kiffin Potts-Brown, a Reiki Master and member of IARP (International Association of Reiki Practitioners) spends time with each of the pieces you have carefully selected, filling them with Reiki Energy prior to shipping them to you.
  2. Hand-Selected for Quality. Every single item available for sale by Chakra Rox has been hand-selected by Owner and Reiki Master Kiffin Potts-Brown. “Every Chakra Rox item for sale are items that I personally use, wear and own myself.”
  3. Hand-Packed. All shipments are packed with care at our facility in Austin, Texas. Our favorite part of packing is throwing in a small token of appreciation for your continued business with us : )
  4. U.S. Seller. Chakra Rox is a division of DK Exchange (established in 2017) and is located in Austin, TX.
  5. Available On Amazon. For your convenience and confidence of purchase, all of our products are available for purchase on Amazon, Simply click the links provided here on the site or go directly to Amazon and do a search for “Chakra Rox” under “All Departments.”
  6. Trusted Seller. DK Exchange (our parent company and distributor on Amazon) has a current rating of 4.9 Stars on Amazon.

“Every Chakra Rox item for sale are items that I personally use, wear and own myself.”

Kiffin Potts-Brown, Chakra Rox Owner / Reiki Master
Why Worry Stones? Top 3 Reasons

Why Worry Stones? Top 3 Reasons

You might have noticed that many of the sets we offer at Chakra Rox include worry stones. “Why?,” you ask. Well, I’ve got a few reasons.

Worry Stones Reason Number 1 — SIZE AND WEIGHT
Our worry stones come in a great size (most are 50X40X10 mm). They fit easily in the palm of your hand and feel comfortable with a solid weight that isn’t too much. They also fit niceley in my pocket and aren’t too heavy. (I’ll be honest, some days I’ll have 5 or 6 stones in my pockets to add a little extra inspiration to my day. These aren’t nearly as heavy as some of my larger stones so they don’t weigh me down if you know what I mean..

Worry Stones Reason Number 2 — THE GROOVE
Each of our worry stones come complete with a nice smooth groove down the middle of the stone. (For reference: Palm stones do NOT include this groove.) Much like the big attraction with the fidget spinners, this groove provides a calming sensation when you rub it with your index finger and thumb. As your fingers experience the texture of the stone (some are smoother than others) you can feel a little of the stress melting away. It is said these too can assist with Anxiety and ADHD. The magic is really all in the groove!

Worry Stones Reason Number 3 – QUALITY
Our worry stones come from a supplier right here in the United States. And, they have always proven to be high quality stones. I’m often complimented on their beauty and weight.

So, don’t worry, be happy. Worry Stones Rock! : ) Thanks for asking!

How Do I Use my Worry Stone?
You can use a worry stone like any other stone. Place it in your pocket, under your pillow, next to your bed, in your purse, etc. However, as I mentioned above, the beauty of the Worry Stone lies in the groove. When you find yourself anxious, nervous or just fidgety, simply place the worry stone between your thumb and forefinger and follow the groove in a circular motion. Like a fidget spinner, this activity tends to ease the mind and creates an outlet to wind down any discomfort or anxiety. Just keep following that groove until you realize that these uncofortable feelings have passed. If you want to take it to another level, you can do this in a meditative state and add an intention to it, preferably one that ties in to the supportive properties of the stone you are using.

So, say you are trying to troubleshoot a problem at work or school, but you’ve hit that wall where you just feel like you’ve got nothing else to give or you’re just overcome with frustration. Grab your worry stone (in this case I’d suggest a Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite or Amethyst), and find a comfy, quiet spot away from any distractions. Start following the groove of your worry stone as described above, and while doing so add an intention that you repeat to yourself (in your mind or aloud, whichever you find works best for you) over and over as you stroke the stone. Also, pay attention to your breathing — slow and easy is best. An example of a statememnt of intent might be. “I am connected and the open to the answers.” “I am grateful for this challenge and will find my clarity.” “Clairty is my friend and will lead me to resolution.” Try to continue in this manner for at least 2-3 minutes. Take as long as you need.

Worry Stones are also great to use when aligning chakras. Details on that here.

Caring for your Worry Stones
Crystals and stones do us a great service by supporting our chakras and often helping us to remove blockages created through negative thoughts, fear, stress, etc. In doing that, they can soak up those unwanted energies. To keep your worry stones healthy, it is suggested you cleanse and charge your crystals and stones regularly (at least once a week, preferable every 3-4 days).

  • Selenite
    The easiest way to cleanse AND charge your stones is with the use of Selenite (click link for details on Selenite properties). Simply place your stones on or right next to any Selenite product (This can come in many forms and sizes. Choose what works best for you. (See our Chakra Rox Selenite products here) for at least 4 hours at a time if possible. This removes the negativity and also works like recharging a battery, bringing it back to its ful energetic strength.)
  • Moonlight
    Placing your crystals and stones in a windowsill, outside or any place where they can essentially bathe in the light of the moon over seveal hours is another option for cleansing and charging your stones and crystals. Even if this isn’t something you can regularly do (maybe like me, your trees block the light), it is highly suggested to attempt this approach during a Full Moon when energies are at a higher level.
  • Sage
    While sage doesn’t really charge your crystals, it can can cleanse them as well as also restore the positive energy in your home. You can burn real sage and bask your stones within the rising smoke. There are also sage sprays or incense which can work as well.

Chakra Rox Worry Stone Products:

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