Sale Celebrating 2000 Facebook Followers — Thank YOU!!!

Sale Celebrating 2000 Facebook Followers — Thank YOU!!!

At Chakra Rox, we want to give a Big Thanks to our First 2000 Facebook followers. To celebrate this milestone, we are offering 20 % off for 2 weeks on 2 of our most popular products. For a limited time, we are offering our:

These are amazing gifts for any crystal lover out there — providing protection and luck to any indoor space. In addition, I like to think of these as metaphysical batteries as they allow one to charge any other crystal simply by placing those crystals on the Selenite. Because each of these are a substantial size (6″ X 6″ X 7/8″), you can fit lots of your favorite bracelets, beads, stones, worry stones and more on a single plate. They can also be used on crystal grids!

These would make great presents for Birthdays, Christmas, Graduation and more.

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