Where I’ve Been and Where This is Going
6 years ago I went through the worst experience as a human in my entire life. The fact is, it wasn’t one experience, it was a convergence of experiences. I was nearing 50 and in my perspective, every part of my world melted away into a dust so fine that I could hardly make out the origins of my own being much less what was going on around me. This was an almost fateful blow to my very being.
And, when that happened, Chakra Rox took a pause for awhile. But I will tell you, I’m not sure how I could have gotten through that experience and the giant explosion of my life that was its precursor, without the having this business and having the honor of listening and sharing so many stories with my customers and followers. You each are my angels, giving me the right message through allowing me to help you find yours.
After those 6 years and a lot of help from a lot of sources (probably many unknowingly), I have found my way back to the joyous, excited, youthful and magical being I remember, in fact… maybe even a little extra! I’ve got sooooo much to tell!
And with that, we’re going to mix it up with this Chakra Rox blog from here on out. I want to be more than a smiling icon on a web page, but a real person going through real things who also is trying to make it in this big bad world just like you! And, oh yeah… I LOVE crystals. I look forward to growing and learning with you as we make a new connection. I truly believe my crystals, my reiki and so many other healing modalities have helped me along this journey. And, again, YOU, were a huge part in that too. So much gratitude! Can’t wait to step forward into a little more clarity with each of you.
And yes, I will still be posting info on new products and cool actities as well as recommendations if you are interested. Look forward to it everyone!